Magento2 Merge Guest Order To Customer Extension is Live Now

Magento2 Merge Guest Order To Customer Extension is Live Now

Hello Friends !Glad to inform you that our Magento2 Extension Merge Guest Order To Customer” is Live now on Magento Marketplace.You can download by Click Here If you are in Ecommerce stores business and want to sync your guest orders with your existing customer who placed order with same email id , so you will definetly require this extension.

It’s 100% Free of Cost! 


  • This extension merges the guest order with a registered customer if the customer has used the same email address while placing an order as a guest.
  • This extension helps customers to manage his order in his account even order has been placed as a guest.
  • It helps admin to make the order grid clean and easy to find the same customer’s orders in Manage customers > Order section.
  • Using This extension you can segregate guest order vs Customer’s Order in your report.
  • If you don’t want to merge guest order to the registered customer anytime you can disable it from admin configuration easily.

We are continously working for deliver good magento extensions..With this extension you can provide feature to merge guest order for customer. So customer can manage their orders in their account

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