Checkout Magento Latest Relase 2.4.6

Checkout Magento Latest Relase 2.4.6

Friends, Get Ready for Magento Latest Release 2.4.6 Updates. Yes Magento 2.4.6 major Release is set to launch by March 14, 2023 as per their official news and documentation.

So Friends, Let’s understand what new will come in this new release?

  • Now Magento 2.4.6 will support php 8.2 version. It will keep continuing support of php 8.1, but no more support for 7.2 and it will be removed completely.
  • Includes over 300 quality fixes and enhancements
  • Significant performance and scalability enhancements
  • GraphQL Operations optimization and reduced response time.
  • Category Tree Rendering Reduced response time
  • 3rd Party Libraries have been upgraded to latest version
  • Composer has been upgraded
  • Page Builder v.1.7.3 is now compatible with Magneto 2.4.6
  • PWA Studio v.13.0.x is now compatible with Magento 2.4.6

Magneto 2.4.6 Enhancement

Magneto 2.4.6 has been tested with below components versions

  • Composer 2.2
  • RabbitMQ 3.9 , Do Read about Rabbit MQ here or watch my video
  • Open Search 2.4
  • MariaDB 10.6
  • MySQL 8.0
  • Elasticsearch 8.4
  • Redis 7.0
  • Varnish 7.1.1

Magento 2.4.6 Security Enhancement and fixes

  • Eight security fixes and platform security improvements
  • More thorough auditing of grid view actions, mass actions, and exports has closed gaps in the Admin action logs.
  • reCAPTCHA validation no longer fails at checkout during payment processing for unexpected issues.

Performance and scalability Improvement

  • Improved Operations Performance to optimize customer segments where 100+ customer segments involved
  • New Configuration to limit the number of products in product grid
  • Improve Import products performance , Now 1 lacs products can be imported with in 1 minutes, and also new api for import products has been released with this Magento latest version 2.4.6. Now you can integrated with 3rd party to import csv products in magento using this api
  • Improved high-throughput order processing performance through load balancing.

Braintree Payment Method Updates

  • Paylater button and banners has been enabled for italy and spain
  • Paylater messaging with paypal vault has been enabled
  • Many other fixes like fraud protection etc has been added


  • Optimized GraphQl API response time for categories and category permissions and category tree rendering
  • Optimize Response time for bulk cart operations

Other Fixes and Enhancements

Apart from above enhacements, Magento 2.4.6 is coming with many other issues fixes and enhancements, some of them are as below

  • Fixes and enhancements related to Installation, upgrade and deployment
  • Multiple bug fixes in Magneto B2B
  • Enhancement in Bundle Products
  • Fixes in Cache
  • Fixes and Enhancements related to cart and checkout
  • Cart Price Rule and coupons enhancement
  • Catalog Products and Configurable Products related issue fixes and enhancement
  • Fixed issues for Cron
  • and many more fixes and enhancements , you can read official documentations

Once Magento 2.4.6 will be release , we will come with How to upgrade Magento 2.4.5 to Magento 2.4.6 and full features list again. So stay in touch with us and share your feedback with us on Magento 2.4.6 release in comment section.

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